Interestingly enough, if one checks out judgepedia (yes it does exist haha) and looks up Pennsylvania State Supreme Court Justice and incumbent contender Jane Orie-Melvin; it notes that she is a self-described strict constructionist. Interestingly enough, and as is the case with most strict constructionists, she is a total hypocrite.
A few years ago a web site based out of Pittsburgh PA (Orie-Melvin’s hometown) had posted anonymous derogatory comments about the judge apparently in an attempt degrade her political name.
Upon finding out about the site Orie-Melvin sued in the State of Virginia to find out who the author was. When the state of Virginia threw out her claim, she then sued in Allegheny County who also threw out her claim. She protested that the author of the site was defaming her. However, in order to prove defamation Orie-Melvin would have to prove financial loss (something she could not do) and so thus the speech was considered political and thus protected by the U.S. Constitution.
The tactic Orie-Melvin was using was political bullying from the bench and is a terrible quality that we Pennsylvanians surely do not want on our Supreme Court.
If Orie-Melvin’s bullying tactics aren’t bad enough her blatant hypocrisy concerning her own description of her judicial style is. A strict constructionist who claims to want to limit government and practice judicial restraint is doing just the opposite while trying to bully her way and infringe upon my free speech.
Finally, Melvin’s bully tactics and unrelenting desire for political power have blossomed during this years campaign in her dirt tactics and negative ads. A few weeks ago if one went to a prominent conservative blog they would see the ad at the beggining of this post for Orie-Melvin.
I certainly understand that not everyone agrees with our President but how low does the GOP have to stoop to get votes these days. Also, if you’re a PA resident like myself then you also know that Orie-Melvin has been airing negative ads against candidate Jack Pannella which describe him as “not protecting our children.” However, I do admit that candidate Pannella is not innocent as he is airing negative ads as well.
Either way, tomorrow is election day and I urge all Pennsylvanians to vote against Orie-Melvin’s retention as I will be. Now that this has been posted I need to call my lawyer in case she decides to sue me as well for having a negative political opinion of her judgeship.
I am Pro Crazy Eyes Ott.
Orie-Melvin got the narrow victory.
I know trust me I am not delighted
I know trust me I am not delighted
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