Sunday, September 6, 2009

I like pina colada's and getting caught in the rain

Well then, I suppose I best add on and say I'm also interested and excited to hear our mix of opinions, and it is quite a mix. My name is Justin Causey, I graduated in May from Gettysburg College with a B.A in History. I am in the midst of my year of figuring out my life-- ie. applying to Graduate School for next year. I was born and raised in a small town just outside of Pittsburgh, PA. Politically my views can be described as a those of a midwestern Conservative Republican-- Pennsylvania once you get west of Philadelphia is essentially a midwestern State, a large rural T throughout most of it, and the Western PA coal country and Pittsburgh suburbs-even with a liberal city of Pittsburgh. I feel my politics come in two forms-- the intellectual opinions I've formed on major policy issues and political philosophy as I've gotten more educated, and my basic more gutteral responses to certain issues-- "the way I've been raised".

These basic responses include opinions that I just basically feel-- I come from a hunting and gun owning background and enjoy these things, so I'm quite pro-Second Amendment. I'm the son and grandson of small business owners, and so favor independent entrepreneurs and personal drive over organized labor and regulation. I believe in law and justice and the preservation of order and lack sympathy for those that do not-- that the punishment be proportionate to the crime-- and so strongly favor the death penalty. I firmly believe the government of the United States is the best yet devised in this world, and believe that our country though not perfect has done the right thing more often than not and continues to be the strongest force for good in this world.

At the policy postion and intellectual level:
I'm a foreign policy wonk, and so enjoy commenting on that particularly-- I'm a realist in IR parlence, with a soft spot for supporting Cold War style proxies and the "balance of power" in various regions. In domestic governance, I prefer a firm notion of Federalism-- that we are not just under the Federal government, and that the Federal government should not engage in undue control of the population in favor of local governments for many issues and services. Unlike many Conservatives in recent years, I'm a bit of a deficit hawk-- I think deficit spending has its place in times of crisis (World Wars for example) but I am skeptical of Keynes and his adherents. I believe that individuals are the ones best suited to make the decisions that affect them, and with this liberty comes responsibility-- because of this responsibility and the obligations that come with the liberty to make your own path in life- I am opposed to an expansion of entitlements and would be in favor of them being scaled back if practical.

My first true post --which will occur this week will focus on the present state of our Political Parties and the first rumblings for elections this fall and the 2010 Midterms.


Owen Carhart said...

im interested in what your thinking about the election in 2010, if things continue to trend the way they are now it wont be pretty for the dems. The only reason im not pro death penalty is because it actually costs more than life in prison! If we reformed the system so that it was cheaper I would be all for it.

Andrew said...

1 bullet costs $0.25....